
Monday, September 19, 2005

disappointment opening to new horizons

what's with disappointment lately? coldplay got cancelled. now ryan long has cancelled his savannah show that was to be at the end of the month. i just found out that new city cafe is ending it's amazing years of bringing amazing music to knoxville. also, i have to decide between driving up there for either ed cash or ryan long in the end of november. i miss living downtown. i miss hanging out with teenagers all day.

sorry-- i need to insert a disclaimer here-- i am fully aware of the fact that my life is amazing, that has nothing to do with me. i have clean running water that i dont have to walk five miles to fetch and then carry back to my house in a heavy, cumbersome bucket resting on top of my head. i never have to worry about food or soap or dying from a mosquito bite. i am blessed beyond the conditions of most people on this planet, and i try not to take those things for granted. i also enjoy being in situations that force me to appreciate the things that seem so common and expected in our culture. ok, moving on . . .

last night i dreamt that i got shot twice and didnt die. i didnt even go to the emergency room. watch out, 50 . . .

so im thinking about moving from savannah. ridiculous, right? i love savannah. all i talked about in college was how much i loved and missed savannah, and now im talking about leaving again. well, heres the deal: i like knowing that life is moving towards something. right now, i find myself stagnant, and in more ways than one. im thankful that God put me in this job where i want out. if i were still teaching, i dont think i'd feel like i need to leave savannah. lately ive begun to realize that moving might be a really good thing for me. im not running from anything; i actually view myself as running towards something if i leave savannah. i think there are parts of me that stopped maturing when i came back home. if i leave again, i think i will grow up more and that idea is exciting to me. i think we all want some sense of adventure going on in our lives, and right now, im not in it. i would even venture to say that my life is boring, and i dont think jesus wants me to settle for that. my life isnt even that challenging right now and thats just lame. so, with that, the hunt begins for a new home. where should i live? open to suggestions . . .


Daniela said...

you might like athens.

Daniela said...

i didn't mean that to be the end of my comment. i was also going to say, since you like the mountains, maybe somewhere in way north georgia, like rome, would be agreeable to you. or you could always be REALLY adventurous and move somewhere out of the contiguous United States. Puerto Rico has a rainforest and mountains, and a lot of less fortunate people that you could help. I'm definitely going there one day. Or maybe you could go help out in louisiana or mississippi. it may not be the most comfortable situation, but i bet real estate is really cheap right about now.

Greg Sykes said...

Athen smathens. Honestly, I wouldn't venture anywhere too completely new, go somewhere you have at least one or two friends. That way you can have an instant plug-in to a community and then ditch your original friends for all of your new friends. You know if it were me I would say move to Canton but go where you feel the Holy Spirit leading you. Don't feel the Holy Spirit leading you? Then just go. Make a wise decision and go with it. Just remember, the weather in Cherokee County is nice, your one skip from the mountains and all sorts of majestic beauty and 2 skips from THE ATL "HOLLA". But you know me. I'm playing favorites. Can you blame me, You've sat on my mom's front porch. Just go. Wherever you go, God is already there.


p.s. "Wherever you go, there you are." -- Buckaroo Banzai

Anonymous said...

I totally know the feeling. I often long for an adventure beyond my own backyard. When I left my home in Kentucky and set off on my own for Indy, it was quite the adventure... for a while... but after 3 years all the newness has worn off. Now it's back to life as usual. Often I feel like packing my belongings, getting in the car, and driving to Mexico. Not anywhere like Piedras Negras or Juarez, but somewhere deep in Mexico. I always wonder, is this restless spirit from the Lord, or am I just being discontent?

Anonymous said...

Seattle is nice! Beach, Bay, Mountians and a beautiful city. Not that I want you to leave, but you asked. God is everywhere, as greg stated.

Anonymous said...

Move back to JC. we can hang out...and stuff. i just need friends.