
Tuesday, November 29, 2005

does this make me weird?

so this is my good buddy hezekiah blue barnes (no joke, that's his name) holding his brand-spankin new baby twin boys, malachi israel and zechariah heman (pronounced "hayman" . . .it's hebrew. . . not like the cartoon). hez and i went to milligan together. he frequently stole my guitar from me as i sat on sutton hill during dinner and watched the sun set, and i was always jealous of his twelve-string acoustic and mad skills on the harmonica. i miss the days of playing and singing with him at sub7. theres this one song he wrote that i love. i wish i could hear him sing it again. hez and i were also hiking/camping buddies along with a few other favorite people. one day we graduated. then he got married. now he's got two kids. crazy. . . exciting, but crazy. congratulations, hez!

um, yeah, so i was cleaning out my closet (insert stupid eminem pun here) at my parent's house last night and found, what i think is, the freakiest thing ever. keep in mind this is the closet used by laura as a teenager, and if you knew me as a teenager, then this wont come as quite a shock, but if you've only met me within the past few years, then this might strike you as, well, i'm not sure, but here we go . . .
ok, so i need to tell a little story as background. shock factor was huge for me in high school. i loved doing things that threw people off. when i was 17 i had really long hair...we're talking almost down to my butt. now there are girls in the world who find it necessary to cry when they get their hair cut, but frankly i could care less. i decided to hack it all off and not tell anyone i was getting it done. i just happened to do this on the day of my 17th birthday party. one by one, people showed up to the party and freaked out. i cut off about 15 inches, so it was pretty drastic.
ok, so back to the closet story: last night i was digging in a box and saw a plastic bag. thinking it was odd, i picked up the bag and looked inside. there, in a ponytail held together by a rubberband, was the hair i had cutt off 7 years ago. i cant decide if thats more gross or weird. some people are grossed out by hair, and i honestly dont get it, however, seeing as how this hair has been sitting in that closet for a few years makes it a little different. i think my original plan was to donate it to locks of love, but i obviously didnt get around to that. if i were famous i could sell it on ebay. that would be cool. but im not famous, so . . .

one of my favorite lines in the movie garden state is, "he's just a fast food knight." i just thought id share that.

so yesterday i bought the latest death cab for cutie cd. amazing. for some reason im never disappointed by their cds, unlike josh kelly, who profoundly disappointed -- i would venture to say disgusted -- me when i bought his last album. his first cd was pretty good with warm melodies, a folksy style, and familiar lyrics. but his latest cd made me wish i could rip my eardrums out. oh yeah. it's that bad. musically. lyrically. it's really sad.

pedro the lion has put together a christmas album on vinyl and there are only 2000 copies. i just found that tidbit interesting.

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